Tag Archives: yule

Leaving Yule Winter Fest grounds 2021/2022 (finally)

When it’s time, well then it’s time. And all good things come to an end. Yule fest of this year is done and over with for a few days. So nothing to say more then: Is it time to go back home to the Shire? But 1st, lets see what are natives up to?

Looks soo magical, actually now that all the guests have gone away.
Leading in past the stables for last inspection of this year.
These birds, my, oh my.
They are still serving some food, maybe not as much as it was during the fest, but well, some is still here.
Some Shire reps, they seem to never leave?
Another one of our expats, he seems comfy, there is some, some food next to him on the table, so I would not be too concerned about him.
These two got best jobs, it’s off season for them now for the rest of the year.
Mushroom tent is producing, good, all good, then.
Snow beasts are doing what they do best, taking a rest, finally.
Grumpwood grumps are grumpy… Yeah I have seen it all! Now on and off season.
Now landing in the Hobbit Allegiance Hall of Tham Periain. That’s nice. I think I will stay a while to have some tea.